Guided Meditation: Awaken Your Authentic Power
Nov 20, 2022
Creating a false self, a false version of ourselves, is something that many of us struggle with, and it's when we aren't comfortable being our truest, most authentic self. Sometimes it shows up in front of certain people or in certain circumstances, and in this practice, you will learn to break through.
When we aren’t comfortable being our authentic selves, it impacts our lives in negative ways:
- Sometimes we do this to impress certain people.
- Or because we’re afraid of being judged.
- Or because we haven’t found the courage to access our true power.
You deserve to be EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE.
Your power and confidence is right there inside of you. It always has been.
This free guided meditation will help you build the confidence to do so.
It’s my gift to you, I hope you enjoy it.
Listen to this Guided Meditation for Free on Apple Music, Spotify, Youtube, and more here - or on your favorite streaming platform.
Please enjoy!
Creating a false self, a false version of ourselves, is something that many of us struggle with, and it's when we aren't comfortable being our truest, most authentic self.
Sometimes it shows up in front of certain people, or in certain circumstances, and in this practice, you will learn to break through.
Go ahead and get comfortable.
Relaxing your body.
Softening, just even 5% more.
Take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out, and close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing so.
Take another deep breath in, and breath out, and one more deep, full breath in, and a deep breath out, that’s it.
Now call into your mind's eye and imagine a version of yourself that is expressed fully.
Where you are being your full self.
You are being exactly who you are, in all of your glory.
Fully authentic.
Expressed, and free.
What do you notice about this version of yourself?
What do you sense?
What's different?
And what is the emotional quality of this fully expressed version of you, how do they feel?
Take a moment now and just be with this fully expressed version of you.
Noticing what they're wearing.
What they're doing.
What they're saying.
And who you are, as this expressed version of yourself.
What do you notice?
Take in everything you get.
And now I'm gonna ask you a question.
As you imagine this fully expressed version of yourself, what is one word that describes an energy that you need in your life now to become more like this version of you?
One word.
Just one.
I'll ask it again.
What is one word that describes an energy that you need more of in your life now to become more like this version of you, that you're seeing in your vision right now?
And once you have your word, just repeat this word in your mind a few times.
And repeat it again and again in your mind.
You can even say it out loud if you want, a few times.
And now take a deep breath in and fill yourself up with the energy of this word.
And exhale and send that energy out and express it into the world.
We'll do that again.
Inhale and fill yourself up with it, with your word, with what you need.
And exhale, send it out, out into the world.
One more time, inhale deeply.
Call in the energy that you need and fill yourself with it.
And exhale, send it out.
Express it.
Be it.
As you keep breathing now for a few moments, just keep filling yourself up with the energy of your word, and expressing that energy on every breath out.
Place your hands, now, over the center of your chest, right over your heart.
You are allowed to be who you are.
You are allowed to be who you are.
So go ahead and take a deep breath in, filling yourself up.
And a deep breath out, expressing all that you are out into the world.
And when you're ready, I invite you to open your eyes.
You deserve to be your fully expressed self, and when you do, the whole world lights up and shines.
Because when you bring your authentic self to the table, there is no one else like you.
Hear me when I say there is no one else like you.
And letting go of your false self has very little to do with trying to release anything.
But it's about letting a truer you have the space and freedom to emerge.
You deserve to be your true self.
You are allowed to be who you are.