Guided Meditation: Discover Your Unique Energy Signature
Nov 20, 2022
This practice will help you discover your unique energy signature. Every single person has one, and you will discover how this practice will help you fulfill your mission on this planet. Your dream for your life. And help carry you forward toward all of your goals.
Once you learn it, you gain access to your greatest source of power.
Understand what you want from life.
Become more confident and clear.
This practice helped me leave a career and relationship that wasn’t aligned for me, and has now helped 10,000 people around the world do the same.
This practice is my gift to the world. And there’s a reason you’re seeing it right now.
Even if no one believes in you, I do. We rise together.
You deserve to go after WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. You can. You will. You got this. 🤍
Listen to this Guided Meditation for Free on Apple Music, Spotify, Youtube, and more here - or on your favorite streaming platform.
Please enjoy!
This practice will help you discover your unique energy signature, every single person has one, and you will discover today how this practice will help you fulfill your mission on this planet, your dream for your life, and help carry you forward toward all of your goals.
Start by finding a comfortable place to sit.
Close your eyes if you feel comfortable doing so, and just find ease in your body.
Drop your shoulders.
Take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.
And now with me, inhale for the count of three for one, two, three.
Hold for one, two, three.
Exhale one, two, three.
Great, let's do that again.
Inhale for one, two, three.
Hold for one, two, three.
Exhale one, two, three.
Last time, inhale one, two, three.
Hold for one, two, three.
Exhale one, two, and three, great.
Now just breathe normally, as we dive into our practice.
I want you to imagine a future version of yourself who is living the life of your dreams.
Imagine yourself at any point in the future, living the life of your dreams.
Everything is exactly as you've always wanted.
You have the body you've always wanted.
You're in the relationships you've always wanted.
You're in the house you've always wanted.
You have the money you've always wanted.
You feel the way you've always wanted.
You're in the career you've always wanted.
Everything is exactly as you've always wanted and dreamed of.
Any challenge or circumstance that's in your way has been surmounted and overcome, and if this feels impossible, good, because if we can't think beyond our current circumstances, how can we ever expect to live beyond our circumstances?
So I want you to let yourself go there.
Pretend you could rub a magic lamp, anything is possible.
What do you notice?
What do you sense?
Give yourself permission to go there.
Everything exactly as you've always wanted and dreamed of.
Now, if you have multiple things shuffling around in your mind, try to land on one and let's dimensionalize a little bit as you imagine this future version of you.
Notice are you indoors or are you outdoors in the vision?
What colors do you see?
Is there anyone there with you or are you alone?
What color are you wearing in the vision?
And what's happening in this vision that indicates to you that you are indeed living the life of your dreams?
For the next few moments, just allow your vision to expand, noticing what you notice, even if it's fuzzy or blurry or incomplete, trust what arises.
Now I want you to push the vision even bigger, yes, bigger, whatever you are imagining, I want you to push it further so that if this vision were to come true, it would feel like an absolute miracle.
Now what do you notice?
Take a moment to scan around this future you, and notice what you can.
How does this future you feel to be living the life of your dreams?
How does it feel to be living the life of your dreams?
Take a few moments to scan around your vision and take in any colors or textures or sounds or sensations, even if they're incomplete.
If your mind wandered, that's okay, just come back to your vision.
Come back to your vision.
And now I'm gonna ask you a question, and I want you to answer this question using one, two, or three words.
Here's your question.
As you imagine this future version of yourself who is living the life of your dreams, what energy do you need to cultivate in your own life now to become the person that you're seeing in your vision?
I'm gonna ask it again, what energy do you need to cultivate in your own life now to become the person in your vision?
Trust the first few words that come to mind.
Now, repeat that word or those words in your mind a few times to lock them in.
And now, we'll take a few deep cleansing breaths together, and as you inhale, I want you to imagine that you're inhaling the energy of these words, the words could turn into a color, or a ball of light, or a texture, or just the words themselves, but imagine on each breath in that you are inhaling the energy of these words and they cover every crevice of your inner and outer body, healing you, soothing you, and with each exhale, imagine sending that energy out to everyone you love.
Let's do it together.
Take a deep breath in, inhaling your words, and a deep breath out, sending the energy out.
Keep going, inhale the energy, and exhale, send it out.
Last time, inhale the energy of your words, and exhale, send it out to everyone you love.
Notice how you feel.
Go ahead and take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out.
And knowing you can come back to this vision whenever you need it.
Whenever you're ready, I invite you to open your eyes, and I want you to take a moment now and jot down your words.
These words are called your unique energy signature, so write them down.
And what we just did, is incredibly powerful, because ultimately what we just said is on the one side, here's who you are now, and on the other, here's who you want to become, and notice there's a gap.
And also notice I didn't ask you, what do you need to do?
I said, who do you need to be?
Who do you need to become to fill this gap and step into the life of your dreams?
And so these words that you created are your unique energy signature, they are the unique energy that will allow you to fill this gap and embody your dream.
What I want you to notice is that when you drop into this silent still space, where you give your inner voice a chance to speak to you, that you know what you need.
So as you step back into your life right now, ask yourself, how can I embody the energy of these words in everything that I do, with every person I come in contact with, and everything that I engage in?
This is your possibility to step into something new, and if you show up with a different energy, the whole world around you shifts.
This is your unique energy signature, and this will help you learn who you need to become in your life now to step into the life of your dreams.
Thank you so much for practicing with me.
This is Justin Michael Williams, signing out, and I'll meet you right here in this special place, the next time we practice together.
Bye for now.