$99.00 USD

Shadow Work Masterclass

A three-hour online masterclass by Justin Michael Williams.

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Think of all the moments when you feel stuck, despite working hard to create change. Most of us strive to improve our lives, whether it's in relationships, career, health, or creativity. However, hidden forces within us often hold us back without our conscious awareness. These forces are known as our shadow—and it controls our lives and prevents us from achieving our full potential.

In this Masterclass, Justin Michael Williams will guide you through the essential process of understanding and embracing your shadow—the hidden parts of yourself that unknowingly control your life. By dispelling popular myths about shadow work and uncovering these concealed roadblocks, you'll gain the confidence to step into your bigger mission and create meaningful change in your life toward what matters most to you.

Join Justin to discover the practical approach to shadow work, receive personalized guidance, and break free from self-limiting patterns. You'll learn to identify the hidden parts of yourself that unknowingly control your actions and decisions. Through transformative exercises, you'll illuminate your path to stepping forward in the areas where you've been blocked.

Join us for this transformative experience and discover how shadow work can help you align with your deepest desires and become more confident to step into the life you really want.

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Payments are transferable to a future masterclass OR you may apply your payment towards one of Justin's online programs.